


In Penasack Machine Company, Inc.

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SECTIONS 102" X 44" X 144" ADJUSTABLE BEAM PALLET RACK WITH (7) 44" X 144" UPRIGHTS, (36) 102" CROSS - Image 1 of 4
SECTIONS 102" X 44" X 144" ADJUSTABLE BEAM PALLET RACK WITH (7) 44" X 144" UPRIGHTS, (36) 102" CROSS - Image 2 of 4
SECTIONS 102" X 44" X 144" ADJUSTABLE BEAM PALLET RACK WITH (7) 44" X 144" UPRIGHTS, (36) 102" CROSS - Image 3 of 4
SECTIONS 102" X 44" X 144" ADJUSTABLE BEAM PALLET RACK WITH (7) 44" X 144" UPRIGHTS, (36) 102" CROSS - Image 4 of 4
SECTIONS 102" X 44" X 144" ADJUSTABLE BEAM PALLET RACK WITH (7) 44" X 144" UPRIGHTS, (36) 102" CROSS - Image 1 of 4
SECTIONS 102" X 44" X 144" ADJUSTABLE BEAM PALLET RACK WITH (7) 44" X 144" UPRIGHTS, (36) 102" CROSS - Image 2 of 4
SECTIONS 102" X 44" X 144" ADJUSTABLE BEAM PALLET RACK WITH (7) 44" X 144" UPRIGHTS, (36) 102" CROSS - Image 3 of 4
SECTIONS 102" X 44" X 144" ADJUSTABLE BEAM PALLET RACK WITH (7) 44" X 144" UPRIGHTS, (36) 102" CROSS - Image 4 of 4
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Albion, New York
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Albion, New York


**For convenience, the loading fee of $TBD will be added to the invoice and paid to the Exclusive Rigging and Removal Agent the "ERRA", SEE PRICING SPECIFICS**


**For convenience, the loading fee of $TBD will be added to the invoice and paid to the Exclusive Rigging and Removal Agent the "ERRA", SEE PRICING SPECIFICS**

Penasack Machine Company, Inc.

Sale Date(s)
Venue Address
49 Sanford St
New York
United States

AWR Rigging | Gary | 585-737-7000 | dock@dockhardware.com

AWR Rigging is the “ERRA” EXCLUSIVE RIGGER & REMOVAL AGENT is the only company authorized to rig, dismantle, and load equipment at the Penasack Co Auction Site. Auction Buyers are responsible to pay the loading fee listed in the descriptions of each lot and for convenience these loading fees will be added to the Auction Invoices and remitted to the “ERRA.” Loading charges are for simple lift & load only, any special preparations will be an additional charge and need to be arranged with “ERRA”. Some items are listed as “loading charge TBD, (To Be Determined).” Loading charges for these items must be negotiated directly with the “ERRA.” Removal arrangements other than those stated herein must be made directly with the Auctioneer and the “ERRA”. Prices valid until April 17th thur May 2, 2025.

Important Information

Click Here To Preview Photos 

Live Webcast Only (no onsite bidding)

Auction Date & Time: Wednesday, April 16th at 10:00 AM

Location: 49 Sanford St., Albion, New York 14411

Inspection: Tuesday, April 16th from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM by Appointment with joe@cia-industrial.com 

18% Buyers Premium applies on all online purchases


CNC Lasers & Fabrivision

  • 3,000 Watt Amada Model LCG3015AJMII CNC Fiber Laser w/ Camfil Dust Collector, Thermax Vaporizer, Chiller (New 2017) **Only 500 Cutting Hours**
  • 1,500 Watt Amada Model LC2415A2 CNC CO2 Laser w/Dust Collector & Chiller
  • Both Maintained by Amada Service Contract with Regular Preventative Maintenance 

Inspection Equipment

  • Amada Fabrivision Vision Scanning System (New 2017) **New in Crate, Never Installed**
  • Tinius Olsen Model Electromatic EP2 Tensile Tester 

Press Brakes & Shear

  • 135 Ton x 10' Cincinnati Autoform Press Brake w/ Crowning
  • 135 Ton x 12' Cincinnati Hydraulic Press Brake w/Dynabend Control
  • 110 Ton x 118" Amada Model FBD-1030F Press Brake
  • 88 Ton x 98" Amada Model FBD-8025 Press Brake
  • 88 Ton x 94" Amada RG-80 Press Brake
  • Large Quantity of Various Press Brake Dies Including 4-Way Dies
  • 3/8" x 10' Cincinnati 2510 Shear 

Spot Welders

  • 200 KVA Sciaky Model PMCO-4STQ200 Spot Welder (Rebuilt by TJ Snow)
  • 200 KVA Sciaky Model PMCO-4ST-200-36-5 Spot Welder (Rebuilt by Alphatron)
  • 80 KVA Amada Model ID-40-ST Spot Welder
  • Dengensha WS-80 Weld Scope 

Welders & Related

  • (7) Miller Dynasty Tig Welders 350, 300DX, 280, 200
  • (2) Lincoln Aspect 375 Welder with Coolers
  • Other Miller Welders Including Invision 354MP, 350P
  • 2,500 Lb. Aronson HD25A-BH Weld Positioner
  • 5' Jetline Seam Welder **No Welder or Wire Feed**
  • 30" x 60" Acorn Table
  • (10) HD Welding Tables 

Fabrication & Misc. Machinery

  • Mubea Model KBL Optima Ironworker
  • 12" x 16" DoAll Auto Horizontal Band Saw
  • 12" KMT Model C315 Cold Saw
  • 6 Ton Pemserter Hardware Insertion Press
  • 37" Ramco Timesaver Belt Sander
  • 2 HP Bridgeport Series I Vertical Mill
  • 20" Powermatic Three-Spindle Drill 

CNC Turret Punches

  • 30 Ton Amada Pega 306072 CNC Turret Punch w/ (58) Stations
  • 30 Ton Amada Pega 305072 CNC Turret Punch w/ (58) Stations
  • Punch Grinder
  • Large Quantity of Various Punch Tooling 

Lift Trucks & Support Equipment

  • 30 HP Kaeser Model AS30T Air Compressor (2017)
  • (6) LP Gas Lift Trucks by Hyster, Yale, & TCM up to 6,000 Lb
  • Various Pallet Racking & Cantilever Racking
  • (2) Ridgid Pipe Threaders
  • Workbenches, Hand Tools, Tooling Cabinets & More 

BidSpotter Customer Service Support Department 

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You can also start a live chat with a Bidspotter Support Representative by selecting Live Chat at the top of Bidspotter.com. More information on our chat system can be found by clicking here

Customer Support Hours:

  • Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM ET – 8:00 PM ET

Email: support@bidspotter.com

Office: 253-858-6777 Toll Free: 866-597-2437

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Terms and Conditions


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 1.     IDENTIFICATION - All purchases are required to give full name and addresses at time of registration. Auctioneer, at its sole discretion, may deny registration to any person or entity.

2.     DEPOSIT & BIDDER APPROVAL - Each  bidder will be required to  post a deposit in cash,  certified check or bank letter of guarantee if stated or maybe required to continue bidding if monetary threshold has been reached. Failure to make a required deposit may result in suspension of bidding privileges..

3.     TIME OF PAYMENT – All invoices must be paid in full within 48 hours of  the sales conclusion. Any other arrangements must be made with auctioneer prior to bidding.  If not, the merchandise will be deemed abandoned and Buyer will lose any right, title or interest Buyer may have acquired and the merchandise shall revert and repossess to Auctioneer without further notice to Buyer and the transaction shall be null and void as to Buyer.

4.     REMOVAL - All purchases must be removed not later than the date specified in the Auction Catalogue and/or announced on the website. In any case, No later than 14 days after the close of the sale. .   All goods are sold “Where Is”. Removal shall be at the expense, risk and liability of the Buyer. Purchases will be delivered only on presentation of paid bill. Auctioneer shall not be responsible for goods not removed within the time allowed, but shall have the option to remove and store at the expense and risk of the Buyer any article purchased, but not paid for and removed within the time aforesaid.

5.     MANNER OF PAYMENT – All payments must be made by cash, cashier’s check or company check with a bank letter of authorization guaranteeing funds to Cincinnati Industrial Auctioneers, Inc. All checks for deposits and balances due shall be payable to the order of “Cincinnati Industrial Auctioneers, Inc." All invoices  must be paid to  the Auctioneer at the office address  2020 Dunlap St. Cincinnati, Ohio 45214 unless otherwise announced. The full purchase price on all lots sold to the same Buyer must be paid within the time fixed and before removal of any goods. The Auctioneer does not accept any form of credit card for payment.

6.     CONDITION OF ARTICLES SOLD – The auctioneer shall not be responsible for the correct description, genuineness, authenticity of, or defect in any lot, and makes no warranty in connection therewith.  No sale will be set aside nor allowance made on account of any incorrectness, error in commentary, cataloging, or any imperfection not noted.  No deduction allowed on damaged articles, all goods being exposed for public exhibition, are purchased and accepted by Buyer “AS IS”, “WHERE IS” and “WITH ALL FAULTS”. Auctioneer makes no warranties or guarantees whatsoever whether written, oral or implied as to quality, quantity, condition, usability, salability, weight, measurement, year,  model, mechanical condition, performance or other specifications and without recourse.

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9.     COMPLIANCE WITH TERMS OF SALE – In default of payment of bills in full within the time therein specified, the auctioneer in addition to all other remedies allowed by law, may retain all monies received as deposit or otherwise, as liquidated damages.  Lots not paid for and removed within the time allowed herein may be resold at public or private sale without further notice, and any deficiency, together with all expenses and charges of re-sale, will be charged to the defaulting purchaser.

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13.   DISPUTE BETWEEN BIDDERS/BID INCREMENTS – If any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the auctioneer may decide the same or put the lot up for sale again at once, or resell to the highest bidder.  The Auctioneer may reject a nominal or fractional bid advance if, in his estimation, it proves injurious to the sale. The auctioneer’s decision shall be final and absolute.

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17.   SALES TAX – All sales are subject to state and local taxes, unless a proper exemption certificate including tax exempt number is presented at the time of payment.

18.   BUYER’S  PREMIUM – The Auctioneer in its sole discretion may impose a Buyer’s  Premium on any goods sold.  The Buyer’s Premium is a percentage that is added to the final purchase price of any item.  Applicable Buyer’s Premium will be posted on the website.

19.   SHIPPING – All coolants, oil and fluids must be drained from all machinery and equipment prior to removal.  All of the above must be shipped in compliance with state and federal regulations.

20.   INSURANCE – All buyers, or the buyer’s riggers must provide the auctioneer, owner and landlord a certificate of insurance in amounts acceptable to the above parties prior to removal of any machinery and equipment.

21.   ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS – The auctioneer may modify or supplement these terms and conditions of sale by language in the Auctioneers website, the catalog  or  via email to active bidders. 

22.   FALSE BIDS: If the high bidder fails to complete the transaction Auctioneer reserves the right to dispose of the assets in the best interest of the seller. Any High Bidder that fails to complete a transaction will be held responsible for all damages resulting from that action.

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See Full Terms And Conditions

Tags: Pallet Rack, Rack, Deck, Upright