#PalletAuction, Freight, Lost in Freight, Household items, Electronics, Cosmetics, Sporting and Much More!
Auction closed
Salt Lake City, Utah
Timed auction

Auction dates

  • Ended Mar 13, 2025 9:55am MT (3:55pm GMT)

Auction details

Currency: USD
Buyer's premium: 8.00%
Sales tax: 8.25%

Venue address

954 S 4400 West Ste 390 Salt Lake City, Utah 84104 United States

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Big box store in a box food, edition: coffee, Quaker, oats, coffee, mate, soup, rifle, coffee, applesauce, M&Ms, beef sticks, crystal light, Prego...

Big box store in a box home edition: Ziploc bags, simple, green, detergent, clothing, sketchers, foil, pans, Dan, finish, wet jet, STAUB flashligh...

Big box store in a box food edition: frosted flakes, Folgers, coffee, Heinz, ketchup, green beans, bushes, beans, Hershey's syrup, peanut butter, ...

Big box store in a box home edition: movie theater, detergent, Ziploc, clothing, Reynolds, wrap, always pads, dog bed, yarn, cat, food, cat, Paul,...

Big box store in a box home edition: clothing, Ziploc, dog food, Oli, secret, Kleenex, shampoo, studio, hair, coffee, filters, birdseed, detergent...

HP multipurpose paper, Huggies, diapers, baby wipes, paper towels, two ceramic cookware sets, ninja blender, Dustin Bob, sweeps, multiple, comfort...

Big box to box home edition: lots of crest, Lysol, Dan, shout, garbage, bags, dove, cologne, dog treats, clothing, pet food, crocs, food, trays, h...

Big box store in a box home edition: lots of crest, toothpaste, deodorant, detergent, Ziploc bags, Downey, clothing, dog bed, soap, dawn, old spic...

Spiral con tree, Nautica home, FUL mid-century, accent chair, toolbox Tremontana, garbage cans, Seville, classic storage cabinet, stacked ornament...

  • 933 item(s)

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