Auction closed
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Timed auction

Auction dates

  • Ended Sep 08, 2022 2:06pm CT (8:06pm BST)

Auction details

Currency: USD
Buyer's premium: 18.00%

Venue address

Tulsa, OK Tulsa, Oklahoma 74008 United States

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124" Bullard CNC (Retrofit) Vertical Boring Mill, Fagor Controls For Each Ram HeadMAX SWING (INCHES) 140" SPINDLE MOTOR (HP) 150 HP MAIN MOTOR 15...

36" Giddings and Lewis CNC Vertical Turret Lathe Control 5-Pos. Turret Head 36" Vertical Travel 52" Actual Swing 40" Max. Height Under Rail Electr...

63" Dorries Vertical Turret Lathe/ Vertical Boring Mill 5-Pos. Turret Head w/ 30" Vertical Travel 64" Actual Swing 56" Max. Height Under Rail Elec...

D & K 750F12 Hydraulic Press Brake w/ Auto Back Gauge Length of bed: 16' Distance between Housings: 12'6" Throat:14" Bed Height From Ground: 40" W...

Aronson HD500CS Welding Positioner Capacity:50,000 Lb. Table:96" x 96" Power Tilt Variable Speed Rotation ...[more]

Phoenix 26/72 CNC Slant Mill / Vertical Turning Lathe w/ Auto Pallet System S/N M-989, GE Fanuc Control, (2) Vertical Mill Heads w/ CAT50 Taper (2...

2020 Veracity Vader 620: 7' x 20' CNC Gantry System Motion Capacity 7' x 20' (For 1 station) Table size N/A Control Type Hypertherm Edge Connect C...

2020 Veracity Vader 420: 3' x 20' CNC Gantry System Nominal Travel Length 96" minimum Overall Width 130" Overall Length [Nominal Travel Length] + ...

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