NMR Equipment Manufacturing Facility test equipment; Lathe Manual Mill; Miller welder; MRI Equip Forklift; Gantrys;fabricating tools; scrap metal;
Auction closed
Livermore, California
Timed auction

Auction dates

  • Ended Sep 03, 2024 5:08pm PT (Sep 04, 2024 1:08am BST)

Viewing dates

  • 10am - 4pm PT
  • 10am - 4pm PT

Auction details

Currency: USD
Buyer's premium: 18.00%
Sales tax: 10.25%

Venue address

550 N. Canyon Pkwy Livermore, California 94551 United States

Auction house

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475 item(s)
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  • 475 item(s)

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Geared Head Precision Lathe w/Acu-Rite Mi Jet Equipment Model GH-1640ZX

KBC Machinery Model BAH-916 nine inch cap horizontal bandsaw

Di-Acro Corp Shear No. 4 sheet metal mechanical shear

Lexco LT-30X120 large green metal lift tableh on wheels ...[more]

Mill tooling for mill on grey metal shelving

Grey metal shelf unit with wood shelving 6 ft wide x 2 ft deep x 8 ft tall ...[more]

Black surface plate on grey metal stand 24" wide x 36" long x 4.5" tall

Knaack job site box on wheels 48" wide x 38" tall x 30" deep ...[more]

Green metal job site box on wheels 60" wide x 36" tall x 32" deep

Black metal shelf rack with bins of plumbing parts and misc 48" wide x 72" tall x 18" deep

Miller Syncrowave 350LX cc.AC/DC Squarewave power source w/two tanks

Grey metal storage cabinet w/welding alloys & filler metals 3 ft wide x 18 in deep x 6 ft tall ...[more]

Marshall Furnace Co. Model 1078, Temp 1900F Thermocraft tubular furnace ...[more]

Marshall Furnace Co. Model 1299S, Temp 2370F Thermocraft tubular furnace ...[more]

Green metal furnace heater/oven Baron Industries Model BF222

Extech Instruments Model 380385 digital high voltage insulation tester

Laramy Products Co. welding torches & tools for plastic in red case ...[more]

Grey metal shelf unit w/bins of misc parts 36" wide x 72" tall x 12" deep

Two blue welding screens 6 ft x 8 ft each (one missing a base)

General Air Products large air cooled water chiller

Cryomech CP900 Series compressor package Model CP950-1951123

Sumitomo Heavy Industries Model CSW-71 helium compressor unit w/braided line

Cameron Model 2001-S CNC micro milling & drilling center ...[more]

Wang NMR very large cryogenics/cryocooler vessel 35" tall x 31" diameter


Quincey Compressor 5 HP  with 80 gallon tank ...[more]

Large lot of  Misc Equipment in outdoor storage shed ...[more]

JM Magnetic Susceptibility balance in case ...[more]

Metro Lab NMR Teslameters high precision in case

Venus Corp 600-900 MHz NMR probe testing magnet ...[more]

Gantry overhead crane, adjustable height 10 ft wide x 12 ft tall x 7.5 ft deep (3 ton chain pulley chains NOT included)

Gantry overhead crane, adjustable height 10 ft wide x 12 ft tall x 7.5 ft deep (3 ton chain pulley chains NOT included)

Balzars helium compressor Part No. UC 010 918T

Sumitomo helium compressor unit CSW-71 cryocooler

Sumitomo helium compressor unit F-50L cryocooler

CVi compressor Model CBST 6.0 W-4

Pallet racking 8 ft wide x 3 ft deep x 8 ft tall with contents

  • 475 item(s)

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