Surplus from a Laser Photonics Manufacturer | Back-End Semiconductor & Plant Support Equipment | Centrotherm | Veeco | Kulicke & Soffa | Nanotronics
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  • Ended Mar 27, 2025 12:28pm ET (4:28pm GMT)

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Buyer's premium: 20.00%
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REMOVAL INFORMATION: Addresses: Lots 1 to 91, 201 to 203: 50 Old Webster Rd, Oxford, MA 01540 Lots 301 to 337: 21 Town Forest Rd, Webster, MA 015...

Payment Instructions: Payment is due within 48 hours of receiving invoice by wire transfer, company check with a bank letter of guarantee, certifi...

Phoenix Workstation, w/ 30" x 60' Rolling Assembly Table (no contents) [Located in Oxford, MA]

60" x 30" Table, w/ Chair (no contents) [Located in Oxford, MA]

Universal Stainless Steel 30" x 96" Table, w/ Extendable Legs (no contents) [Located in Oxford, MA]

Newport Mdl. ESP-301 3-Axis Motion Controller, S/N: 10754 [Located in Oxford, MA]

Newport Mdl. ESP-300-IIIIII 3-Axis Motion Controller, S/N: 5588 [Located in Oxford, MA]

Newport Mdl. ESP-301 3-Axis Motion Controller, S/N: 15163560 [Located in Oxford, MA]

Newport Mdl. ESP-301 3-Axis Motion Controller, S/N: 10470 [Located in Oxford, MA]

Newport Mdl. ESP-301 3-Axis Motion Controller, S/N: 11496 [Located in Oxford, MA]

Newport Mdl. ESP-300 3-Axis Motion Controller, S/N: 5585 [Located in Oxford, MA]

Hewlett Packard Mdl. 6652A 0-20V / 0-25A DC Power Supply, S/N: 3035A-00240 [Located in Oxford, MA]

Hewlett Packard Mdl. 6652A 0-20V / 0-25A VDC Power Supply, S/N: 3640A03094 [Located in Oxford, MA]

Arroyo Instruments Mdl. 4320-QCW 20-Amp Laser Power Source, S/N: 190815678 [Located in Oxford, MA]

Arroyo Instruments Mdl. 4320-QCW 20-Amp Laser Power Source, S/N: 200416860 [Located in Oxford, MA]

Arroyo Instruments Mdl. 4320-QCW 20-Amp Laser Power Source, S/N: 200116373 [Located in Oxford, MA]

Arroyo Instruments Mdl. 4320-QCW 20-Amp Laser Power Source, S/N: 200416731 [Located in Oxford, MA]

Arroyo Instruments Mdl. 4320-QCW 20-Amp Laser Power Source, S/N: 190815679 [Located in Oxford, MA]

Arroyo Instruments Mdl. 4320-QCW 20-Amp Laser Power Source, S/N: 200216474 [Located in Oxford, MA]

Arroyo Instruments Mdl. 4320-QCW 20-Amp Laser Power Source, S/N: 200416728 [Located in Oxford, MA]

Arroyo Instruments Mdl. 4320-QCW 20-Amp Laser Power Source, S/N: 190815674 [Located in Oxford, MA]

Arroyo Instruments Mdl. 4320-QCW 20-Amp Laser Power Source, S/N: 190815673 [Located in Oxford, MA]

Arroyo Instruments Mdl. 4320-QCW 20-Amp Laser Power Source, S/N: 190815677 [Located in Oxford, MA]

Arroyo Instruments Mdl. 4320-QCW 20-Amp Laser Power Source, S/N: 191015886 [Located in Oxford, MA]

Arroyo Instruments Mdl. 4320 20-Amp Laser Power Source, S/N: 200116370 [Located in Oxford, MA]

Arroyo Instruments Mdl. 4320 20-Amp Laser Power Source, S/N: 200416729 [Located in Oxford, MA]

Arroyo Instruments Mdl. 4320 20-Amp Laser Power Source, S/N: 190715352 [Located in Oxford, MA]

Arroyo Instruments Mdl. 4320 20-Amp Laser Power Source, S/N: 200416727 [Located in Oxford, MA]

Arroyo Instruments Mdl. 4320 20-Amp Laser Power Source, S/N: 200416861 [Located in Oxford, MA]

Arroyo Instruments Mdl. 4320 20-Amp Laser Power Source, S/N: 190815676 [Located in Oxford, MA]

Arroyo Instruments Mdl. 4320 20-Amp Laser Power Source, S/N: 200416730 [Located in Oxford, MA]

LXI Keysight Mdl. N5744A 20V / 38A 760-Watt DC Power Supply, S/N: US15M3323P [Located in Oxford, MA]

Agilent Technologies Mdl. N5744A 0-20V / 38A 760-Watt DC Power Supply, S/N: US14D5866M [Located in Oxford, MA]

LXI Keysight Mdl. N5745A 30VDC / 25A 750-Watt DC Power Supply, S/N: US16J9966P [Located in Oxford, MA]

LXI Keysight Mdl. N5747A 60V / 12.5W 750-Watt DC Power Supply, S/N: US15L2099P [Located in Oxford, MA]

LXI Keysight Mdl. N5745A 30V / 25A 750-Watt DC Power Supply, S/N: US20K1766P [Located in Oxford, MA]

LXI Keysight Mdl. N5743A 12.5V / 60A 750-Watt DC Power Supply, S/N: US15J9542P [Located in Oxford, MA]

Agilent Technologies Mdl. N5744A 0-20V / 38A 760-Watt DC Power Supply, S/N: US27F7645L [Located in Oxford, MA]

LXI Keysight Mdl. N5745A 30V / 25A 750-Watt DC Power Supply, S/N: US20H9152P [Located in Oxford, MA]

LXI Keysight Mdl. N5745A 30V / 25A 750-Watt DC Power Supply, S/N: US20H9144P [Located in Oxford, MA]

Agilent Technologies Mdl. 5744A 20V / 38A 760-Watt DC Power Supply, S/N: US14D5868M [Located in Oxford, MA]

Wayne Kerr Electronics Mdl. AP-2080A 0-24 VDC 80-Amp Max DC Autoranging Power Supply, S/N: 197228 (2001) [Located in Oxford, MA]

Lambda EMI Mdl. EMS 80-13 Approximately 20 VDC Power Supply (As-Is) [Located in Oxford, MA]

20,000-ML Glass Beaker, w/ Mixer & Cart [Located in Oxford, MA]

Across International Mdl. R-20 Jacketed Glass Reactor, S/N 17040024 (2017), w/ 20,000-ML Beaker, Electric Mixer & Cart [Located in Oxford, MA]

Infotech Automation Mdl. IP-520 3-Axis Component Matrix Die/Hybrid Bonder, w/ Baumer Camera System, Gantry Type, 13" x 19" Work Area, Avio TCW-315...

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Mdl. MR6K-48X 6,000lb. Capacity Mid Rise Scissor Car Lift, 110V, S/N: XF.MAR.20.0004, Duro Hydraulic Unit, [Located in Oxford, MA]

Kulicke & Soffa Industries Mdl. IConn Plus Automatic Wire Bonder, w/ Scope, Type SAES, S/N: SP52049-1302346 (2014) [Located in Oxford, MA]

Kulicke & Soffa Industries Mdl. IConn Plus Automatic Wire Bonder, w/ Scope, Type SAES, S/N: SP56888-1450036 (2015), [Located in Oxford, MA]

Kulicke & Soffa Industries Mdl. IConn Plus Automatic Wire Bonder, w/ Scope, Type SARS, S/N SP71215-1728692 (2018) [ Located in Oxford, MA]

Kulicke & Soffa Industries Mdl. IConn Plus Automatic Wire Bonder, w/ Scope, Type SARS, S/N SP71213-1728684 (2018), [Located in Oxford, MA]

Kulicke & Soffa Industries Mdl. IConn Automatic Wire Bonder, w/ Scope, S/N SAHS-ST36384-1003254 (2012), [Located in Oxford, MA]

Kulicke & Soffa Mdl. IConn Automatic Wire Bonder, w/ Scope, S/N SAES-ST33626-1003252 (2012), [Located in Oxford, MA]

Kulicke & Soffa Mdl. IConn Automatic Wire Bonder, Type SAES, w/ Scope, S/N ST43948-1128804 (2013), [Located in Oxford, MA]

Kulicke & Soffa Industries Inc Mdl. IConn Plus, Automatic Wire Bonder, w/ Scope, S/N SP54066-1366824 (2015), Type SAES, [Located in Oxford, MA]

Kulicke & Soffa Industries Inc Mdl. IConn Plus Automatic Wire Bonder, w/ Scope, S/N SP71685-17334725 (2018), Type: SARS [Located in Oxford, MA]

  • 202 item(s)

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