Due to the Restructure of a Fruit Production Facility.

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Slitter Guillotine Confectionary Cutter Lift Out £150 ...[more]

A complete ABL apple & slicing line. Comprising of: Tank infeed system Model SHFL100 1 x Apple Core segmenting tops & Tails and chunking system Mo...

Lot 3

Kronen PGW

Kronen PGW Lift Out £150 ...[more]

Russel Finex Sieve Lift Out £100 ...[more]

Lot 5

Apple Mill

Apple Mill Lift Out £100 ...[more]

A complete weighing and bagging line. 14 Head Ishida MHW. Complete with Gantry & Incline Belt Feeder With a CSS Vertical Bagging machine,  250mm w...

 BOGE Air Compressor Model CL7  £200 ...[more]

Lot 8

Fendo Slicer

Fendo Slicer £50 ...[more]

Lot 10

Sombinox Pump

Sombinox Pump Lift Out £25 ...[more]

ABL Pineapple & Melon Chunker model GTF. In A1 condition. 2010, Never Been used Lift Out £200 ...[more]

Flume Washing System for large fruits Lift Out £75 ...[more]

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