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72 item(s)/page
Results for live webcast and timed auctions may not have been verified by the auctioneer. If you are in any doubt of the accuracy of the prices provided, please call the auction house to confirm.
ADMET Expert 5603 with eP2 Controller, Norwood, MA; Serial # 5603-131206-28; with Toshiba Laptop,
ADMET Expert 5603 with eP2 Controller, Norwood, MA; Serial # 5603-131206-28; with Toshiba Laptop, Windows Vista, Dolby Sounds, AMD Turion X2 MA; S...
Wood Laminate Desk, R side with 2 Drawers & L side 1 Door, approx 5' long x 3' deep x 4' tall side 1
Wood Laminate Desk, R side with 2 Drawers & L side 1 Door, approx 5' long x 3' deep x 4' tall side 1 Door, approx 5' long x 3' deep x 4' tall ......
Thomas Fluride Combination Denver Instruments UP-10 pH/mV meter, Stock # 4230A61 UP-10 pH/mV meter, Stock # 4230A61
Desk, Metal & Laminate "L" Shaped, Pull Out Keyboard Tray, Partially taken apart already Keyboard
Desk, Metal & Laminate "L" Shaped, Pull Out Keyboard Tray, Partially taken apart already Keyboard Tray, Partially taken apart already ...[more]
AT&T Telephone System, Cordless, Answering System ...[more]
Lot of (2) Gauges, Brown & Sharpe, England with Mount Mount ...[more]
Osada Eletric Co LTD, Hand Piece System, XL-030/VSF-P with LHP6/L5M7/MCC6 XL-030/VSF-P with LHP6/
Osada Eletric Co LTD, Hand Piece System, XL-030/VSF-P with LHP6/L5M7/MCC6 XL-030/VSF-P with LHP6/L5M7/MCC6
Digital Capiper 6" Cen-Tech 0-6" or 0-150.0mm read, Serial # 47257 read, Serial # 47257
Omega Hypodermic Probe HYP2-21-1-1/2-T-G-48-OST-M
Punches Letter & Numbers; A-Z, &, 0-8 ...[more]
Cure Lite 120V 60 Cycle 2.00 Amp
Light Cure Unit Litex 660, 110V, Serial # 103931
Linseis L6012 110-112V, 50-60 Hz, Max 50VA Serial #: 2024/91, with 2 rolls of paper #: 2024/91, with
Linseis L6012 110-112V, 50-60 Hz, Max 50VA Serial #: 2024/91, with 2 rolls of paper #: 2024/91, with 2 rolls of paper
Hydro-Air Carver, handpiece Pressure
Linear Thruster Ultramation Inc, M: IB-2 w/ Synchron Inc Adhesive Dispenser & Control Unit w/
Linear Thruster Ultramation Inc, M: IB-2 w/ Synchron Inc Adhesive Dispenser & Control Unit w/ Synchron Inc Adhesive Dispenser & Control Unit ...[...
Rotary Evaporator, 220V 50 Hz, (never used but powers up) powers up)
Whip Mix Vibrator 115V 60 Hz 83A M: VA Serial #: V07971356 V07971356
50/60 Input 110V Output 1-140V max 5A
Uline 12" Impulse Sealer M: H-190, 120V 146W (impulse) (impulse)
Sink, Utiltab, (bidder must disconnect & cap line) ...[more]
Shore Instruments, Rubber Gauge Tester, Type A
Sealer to Place Cap On Top of Tube
Lot: Electric Impulse Sealer, 8"; Deni Vacuum Sealer with 3 replacement rolls Sealer with 3 replacement rolls
Toast Master 5 Speed Hand Mixer ...[more]
Lite Mite Stocker & Yale, 115V-60CY, .14 Amp ...[more]
Table Top Micro Lathe II M: 4500, working
Lot: Chemicals, Measureing, Mixing & Weighting Tools, Bowls Tools, Bowls ...[more]
Lot: Mixing Bowls & Measures
Lot: Mixing Bowls & Measures ...[more]
Scale, Battery or Plug In, 300g-0.001g w/ Calibration Weight w/ Calibration Weight
Quincy Lab Oven M: GC Series Lab Oven Model: 10GC, 60 Watts Model: 10GC, 60 Watts
Elements System Obturation Unit
Corning Magnetic Mixing/ Vibration Stirring Hot Plate Plate
Clamps & Gagues, Magetnic Base, Stop Watch ...[more]
Metro Style Metal Rack with 6 Shelves, approx
Blak-Ray Ultrviolet Meter, J-221 Long Wave UV Meter, Serial #: 29542 Meter, Serial #: 29542
Novo-Gloss Macbeth Reflectometer 45/0, M: NG45/0, Serial #: D12369 Serial #: D12369
Mitutoyo Surface Roughness Tester with Printer, SJ-201P SJ-201P
Fisher Scientific Scale with weights, M: 411
Small Glass Bottles with Brush & Cap set ...[more]
Box Lot; New but Open Boxes of Surgical Aspirator Tips, Disposable Impression Bite Registration Tray
Box Lot; New but Open Boxes of Surgical Aspirator Tips, Disposable Impression Bite Registration Tray Tips, Disposable Impression Bite Registration...
Box Lot: New Plastic Headrest Cover Headrest Cover Headrest Cover
Box Lot: (3) New but Open Boxes of Disposable Impression Tray Impression Tray
Box Lot (3) New but Open Boxes of Clips for Bibs & Disposable Impression Bite Registration Tray &
Box Lot (3) New but Open Boxes of Clips for Bibs & Disposable Impression Bite Registration Tray & Disposable Impression Bite Registration Tray .....
Box Lot (3) New but Open Boxes of Clips for Bibs & Disposable Impression Bite Registration Tray &
Box Lot (3) New but Open Boxes of Clips for Bibs & Disposable Impression Bite Registration Tray & Disposable Impression Bite Registration Tray .....
2 Boxes New but Open Boxes of Surgical Aspirator Tips, Disposable Impression Bite Registration
2 Boxes New but Open Boxes of Surgical Aspirator Tips, Disposable Impression Bite Registration Tray Tips, Disposable Impression Bite Registration ...
Box Lot: (6) New but Open Boxes of Disposable Impression Tray, Partial Boxes Impression Tray,
Box Lot: (6) New but Open Boxes of Disposable Impression Tray, Partial Boxes Impression Tray, Partial Boxes
Box Lot: 1000 Pieces Saliva Ejector & Water Spray Heads Heads ...[more]
(2) Boxes Evacuator Tips & 1 Disposable Impression Trays Trays ...[more]
Box Lot (5) Bent Dispensing Tips
Box Lot Plastic X-Ray Sensor Protector
Box Lot: 3ML Irrigation Syringes w/ Tip
Box Lot Sensor Protector X-Ray Sensor Protector ...[more]
Plastic Drawer Set on Wheels; 4 Small & 4 Large Drawers, with Contents Drawers, with Contents
Plastic Drawer Set on Wheels; 4 Small & 4 Large Drawers, with Contents Drawers, with Contents ...[more]
72 item(s)/page