Auction closed
Hartford, Connecticut
Timed auction

Auction dates

  • Ended Aug 09, 2022 2:14pm ET (7:14pm BST)

Auction details

Currency: USD
Buyer's premium: 18.00%
Sales tax: 6.35%

Venue address

1055 Broad Street Hartford, Connecticut 06106 United States

Auction house

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195 item(s)
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Stimpson Eyelet/ Grommet Machine, M: S-G2R83, SN: 1573 It is set up currently for the #0 grommet ...[more]

Fabric Hopper Cart ...[more]

Contents of Supply Room: Rolls of Plastic, Tread, (5) Boxes of Elastic Straps for Mask Products, small amount of Zipper Material, small amount of ...

  • 195 item(s)

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