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Kornit Avalanche HD6 DTG Digital Printer Serial Number: 958-116  YOM: 2019 Approximate impression count 150,000 to 200,000 Maintained via Kornit...

1Adelco Digi Cure Textile Dryer  Model: DCB0E-3 YOM:2019  Serial Number: DC8OE-9+30+9-174-2019-JUN Oven is 2.6 meters with a 90cm in-feed and 90c...

Alfred Herbert Milling Machine 15s 

Riverside Waste Machinery Baler RWM 500 Baler   Press force – 50 tonnes Loading aperture (H x W x D) – 800 x 1500 x 769mm Bale weight – up to 550...

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